LUNG Research Studies
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Advanced Cardiac Therapies (ACT) Intensive Care Unit Biorepository
The primary objective of this study is to collect biospecimens to conduct protein biomarker studies in patients with heart failure requiring advanced therapies such as OHT and VAD.

The study will measure both myocardial dysfunction and inflammation as it is related to the severity of cardiac arrest, and their association with post-cardiac arrest morbidity and mortality.
DECLINE-2 Determining Caregivers' Logic In Saying No to Research
The study aims to investigate parental (and/or legally authorized caregiver) motivations for choosing to participate, or not, in research for their child by using qualitative semi-structured interviews.DEtermining Caregivers' Logic In saying No to rEsearch
The study aims to determine the reasons why parents decline consent in PICU research by formally collecting these responses, grouping them into categories, and analyzing the data.EIT During Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Pilot

The use of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) for patients is a potentially feasible, real-time bedside monitoring technique that can improve the ability to manage invasive mechanical ventilation.
Endotheliopathy in Oncology

The purpose of this research study is to determine if certain markers in your blood are increased over the duration of your chemotherapy, especially as you get sicker.

This study measures plasma biomarkers in children enrolled in PRoMPT BOLUS with existing stored samples which were collected at randomization in order to assess the for differential effects of fluid assignment on MAKE30 across risk strata using two distinct biomarker-based mortality prediction models (Aim 1) and separately across two different biomarker-defined inflammatory sub-phenotypes (Aim 2).
LEOPARDS Linking Endotypes and Outcomes in Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
The study goal is to risk stratify pediatric (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) ARDS patients and to identify sub-phenotypes with shared biology in order to appropriately target therapies in future trials.MECCI: Molecular Epidemiology of Childhood Critical Illness

The study will use residual blood collected from clinical samples collected around the time of meeting study inclusion to identify subphenotypes of subjects with shared underlying protein biomarker profiles, correlate subphenotypes with PICU morality, and assess degree of overlap between subphenotypes and classical syndromic definitions.
Neonatal Biomarkers Study (NBS)
This pilot study is investigating the feasibility of a prospective biomarker study in the CICU by measuring enrollment of subjects, as well as the looking at outcomes.
PROSPECT: PRone and OScillation PEdiatric Clinical Trial
This is a two-by-two factorial, response-adaptive multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial that tests whether pediatric patients with severe PARDS randomized to supine versus prone positioning and to CMV versus HFOV exhibit more VFD over a 28-day period.
The study aims to determine whether evaluation of respiratory epithelial cell gene expression and protein profiling of exhaled breath condensate can identify ARDS subtypes.