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CAR's Next Steps Workshop series for parents, professionals and autistic young adults are offered multiple times per year, in person and virtually, with content tailored to key milestones from early childhood through adulthood.

Next Steps for Families

This workshop is geared toward parents and caregivers of young children who have recently been diagnosed with autism. The Next Steps for Families workshop will include an overview of autism and other conditions which commonly occur alongside autism. Evidence-based therapies and interventions will be reviewed and the presenters will provide tips for choosing what options might be best as a family navigates their child's- needs. Presenters will include experts in developmental and behavioral pediatrics, speech and language pathology, occupational therapy, social work, and psychology. There will be opportunities for discussion with presenters, as well as with a panel of parents who have taken the next steps with their children.

Next Steps into Adolescence

Typical traits of autism, such as difficulty reading social cues and understanding the behaviors of others, may add to the already complicated physical and social changes that occur when approaching and entering the teenage years. The topics covered in the Next Steps to Adolescence workshop are designed to provide support and information for parents, caregivers and professionals working with autistic individuals as they enter this stage in their lives. Presenters may include experts in psychology, behavior, education, medicine, and social work, as well as a panel of parents who have taken the next steps to meet the transition needs of their children as they move into adolescence.

Next Steps into Adulthood

The transition from adolescence into adulthood can be an exciting yet daunting time for autistic young adults and their families. This workshop will present tips and tools to help older teens and young adults find their road to a more independent and fulfilling adult life. The transition into adulthood can be challenging, but can also be a motivational opportunity for self-advocacy and independence.

Next Steps for Professionals

This workshop is geared toward professionals who work with toddlers through elementary school-aged children with autism. Parents/caregivers are also welcome to attend. Topics include an overview of autism, how diagnoses are made, available therapies and interventions and how to decide what to pursue, tips for supporting families and information about some of the current autism research. Presenters may include specialists in developmental and behavioral pediatrics, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, social work, and researchers from the Center for Autism Research.

Next Steps Workshops and Other CAR Events