Recruitment Enhancement Core (REC)



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The Recruitment Enhancement Core (REC) (log in required) is a free service providing study teams with additional recruitment support. Services include recruitment strategy consultation for protocols and grant writing, recruitment strategy consultation for studies already in progress, writing and editing recruitment documents, IRB regulatory support related to recruitment, deploying recruitment emails/letters, tear pad advertising around CHOP's campus, social media posting, collaborating with the Clinical Reporting Unit to conduct EPIC searches for subject matches, advertisement within CHOP to CHOP employees, support for and other resources to support study enrollment. They also support enrollment in the community and maintain a participant registry list of families who have indicated that they are interested in participating in research at CHOP.

Research Discovery Finder

The Research Discovery Finder is a publicly searchable page that sees over 1,000 hits per month and links to the webpages for related departments and conditions. The REC (log in required) will work with study teams and the Marketing and Web team to post IRB approved language on the Research Discovery Finder. Complete the online application to add your study to the Research Discovery Finder.

Contact [email protected] for further assistance.

To add your study to the Research Discovery Finder, please visit or contact ...