Affinity Groups | CHOP Research Institute

Affinity Groups

Research Affinity Groups (RAGs) are dedicated and collaborative scientific communities that reach across disciplines and the CHOP-Penn campus to share resources and delve into the most challenging problems in pediatric research. By connecting multidisciplinary investigators with common research interests on a regular basis, RAGs cross-pollinate ideas and keep members well informed on how to accomplish the best research efficiently and effectively.

Investigating the cell biological basis of disease.

The mission of the Clinical Pharmacology RAG is to support CHOP investigators engaged in clinical pharmacology research, foster collaborations within the CHOP/Penn research community, and create additional educational opportunities for trainees.

Building a community of investigators conducting clinical trials at CHOP and Penn.

Investigating the fundamental mechanisms of developmental biology and translating those findings into improved care.

Cultivating collaborative efforts to expand the capability to develop, test, integrate, and adapt digital health tools and approaches in pediatric research.

The EthicsLab Research Affinity Group addresses important and emerging ethical challenges in pediatrics and child and family well-being through rigorous studies that collect and analyze data. We also aim to examine policies that have ethical implications in a thorough and even-handed manner.

Exploring the possibilities for treating disorders during fetal development.

Providing an innovative program focused on the molecular genetic basis of disease.

Fostering efforts to expand and support pediatric research collaboration between investigators working in resource-limited settings worldwide.

Working to understanding the effects of behavior on children’s health.

Investigating the causes and consequences of metabolic and nutritional disorders to identify disease prevention and treatment strategies.

Bringing together CHOP mathematicians, physicists, and engineers to brainstorm emerging technology and accelerate medical innovation.

Supporting a diverse community of investigators and clinicians in groundbreaking basic, translational, and clinical research in mitochondrial biology and disease.

Facilitating the rapid translation of neuroscience research into clinical best practices.

Investigating the networks that regulate blood cell development in normal and diseased states.

The Pediatric Sleep and Circadian Research Affinity Group promotes collaboration between sleep and circadian researchers, and investigators with other content expertise to foster growth in sleep and circadian research and education.

Applying shared knowledge toward a better understanding of the immune system and its powers to protect and heal.

Building and supporting a growing community using qualitative and mixed methods approaches.

Promoting and fostering new research ventures and collaborations among our community of basic and translational investigators, clinician-scientists, and clinicians with shared interests in skeletal health and diseases

Uncovering the correct functional context of genetic variants to translate genome-wide association studies into meaningful benefits for pediatric care.