Cell Biology Research Affinity Group



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The Cell Biology Research Affinity Group (CBRAG) serves a community of investigators and trainees with a common interest in understanding the molecular basis of normal cellular function and organization, and the pathologies that arise from defects at the cellular and subcellular level. The CBRAG provides an intellectual hub for collaboration among clinicians, translational researchers, and basic scientists studying pediatric and other diseases at the level of molecular and cell biology.

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How to Join

The CBRAG offers opportunities for faculty, trainees, and staff to interact with other cell biologists by sharing their science and getting to know one another. We strive to foster collaborations and educate our scientists about the latest ideas and technologies in cell biology.

We encourage faculty to join and recommend appropriate lab members to become part of our group. Investigators at any level who may be performing cell biology projects in the labs of faculty members who do not consider themselves primarily cell biologists (e.g. you may work in a genetics lab, but you follow up on genetic screens or identification of a disease gene) are also invited to apply.

Contact Chris Davis and either Dr. Mickey Marks or Dr. Xilma Ortiz-Gonzalez by email with a brief description of what interests you in cell biology. Staff and trainees should include the faculty member who runs the lab in which you work. We will add you to the email list to inform you of all CBRAG activities.