Submit Your Web Analytics Request
Please identify what URL(s) you would like to recieve web metrics.

Web metrics are limited to web presences within the Research Insitute's website,, and select other sites managed by the RIS Web Services team. To determine if your site is managed by RIS Web Services, view a list of sites and their associated RIS team.
Request Web Metrics
Do you know:
  1.  Which web metrics you would like to receive?
  2.  How frequently you would like to receive metrics reports
  3.  When you would like to start receiving the metrics reports?
Yes, I know what, when, and how frequently I would like to receive metrics reports.
No, I don't know and would like a consultation to learn more.
Web Metrics Requested
Please specify what metrics you would like to receive
Please specify any additional web metrics you would like that are not included in the above list. RIS Web Services will reach out for consultation.
Frequency of Metrics Reports
Please indicate how frequently you would like to receive automated web metrics reports.
Please indicate a desired date to start receiving automated web metrics reports.
Please list any additional individuals who should receive automated web metrics reports. Include name and email address.
Please add any additional information or questions.
1 + 13 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.