Optical Neuroimaging Laboratory



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Individuals interested in a research assistant or postdoctoral researcher position in the lab should reach out to Dr. White at [email protected].

Many pediatric diseases that were once universally fatal (e.g., complex congenital heart disease and extreme prematurity) now have relatively good survival rates. However, neurodevelopmental outcomes have improved only marginally over time. Improving outcomes in these children requires a better understanding of the underlying injury mechanisms and the development of methods that can provide earlier diagnosis. The Optical Neuroimaging Lab aims to address these problems through the development of novel optical neuroimaging systems and algorithms.

Members of the lab develop optical neuroimaging methods, such as optical intrinsic signal imaging (OIS) and diffuse optical tomography (DOT), in order to provide advanced functional neuroimaging in both animal models of disease and at the bedside. They combine these optical techniques with analysis of resting-state hemodynamics in order to perform functional connectivity brain mapping and to better understand cerebral metabolism.

The Optical Neuroimaging Lab's goal is to collaborate broadly with other laboratories and clinicians in order to explore functional neuroimaging biomarkers of injury in many pediatric diseases.

Research Highlights

The Optical Neuroimaging Lab's current research efforts include:

  • Optical neuroimaging of mice across the lifespan to understand development of the functional connectome
  • In vivo studies with mouse models of pediatric neural injury, in order to improve the early detection of injury
  • Algorithmic improvements to optical functional neuroimaging analysis to improve rigor and reproducibility and to enhance the statistical analysis of preclinical studies
  • Using resting-state hemodynamics to improve biomarkers of injury in animal models of cardiac arrest and surgery.
Brian R. White

Brian R. White, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor
Dr. White develops novel optical functional neuroimaging systems and algorithms to better understand pediatric neuronal injury. His research includes optical intrinsic signal imaging, diffuse optical tomography, and resting-state functional connectivity.