OnCore Training, Access, and Resources



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New OnCore users are required to attend a path to access, instructor-led training prior to being granted access to OnCore Production. Once complete, a new user account will be created utilizing a default access role which supports standard study team workflows in OnCore. There may be instances, based on an individual’s job responsibilities, where it will be necessary for a user to attend additional training(s) to gain access to OnCore functionality which is not considered part of the standard study team workflows. Active OnCore users may also choose to complete optional, supplemental trainings that are intended to provide a refresher on previously learned material or highlight specific functionality.

Getting Started

Please visit OnCore: Subject Administration Training for a course description and to register for an upcoming offering.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there different access roles in OnCore? How will I know which access roles I need?

Yes, there are many access roles in OnCore, each providing users with the ability to facilitate a wide variety of functions. Upon training registration, the OnCore Support Team will assign you a default access role based on our understanding of the work that you will be doing in OnCore. If necessary and based on your job responsibilities, you may be assigned more than one OnCore access role.

I received a no-reply e-mail from OnCore prompting me to use a link to activate my user account. Do I need to do this?

Yes. When new users are created in one of our OnCore environments, you will receive an email from [email protected] prompting you to use the link provided to activate your user account. Each OnCore environment requires a separate user activation, so you may receive more than one The link provided only remains active for 24 hours, so please respond promptly.  In the event that the user activation link expires, please email the OnCore Support Team at [email protected] and we'll be happy to resend your user activation. 

Will I still have access to a OnCore Non-Production environment after the training course is over?

Yes, you will receive access to one of the OnCore Non-Production Environments just prior to your first in-person training session and this access will remain enabled as long as you are an active OnCore user at CHOP.

When will I receive access to OnCore Production?

You will receive access to OnCore Production upon completion of a path to access training course. Most study team members will need to attend OnCore: Subject Administration.

What is the best way to reach the OnCore Support Team?

The OnCore Support Team uses a shared email which is monitored daily. Please send an email to [email protected] and a member of the OnCore Support Team will respond promptly.

If I'm an OnCore user and I've accepted a new position at CHOP or have taken on new job responsibilities, how should I notify the OnCore support Team that my access may need to be adjusted?

Collaboration between OnCore users and the OnCore Support Team is very important. If you experience any change which could impact your OnCore user status or access role (promotion within CHOP, transfer to a different department within CHOP, covering additional job duties for a coworker on leave, etc.), please send an email to [email protected]. A member of the OnCore Support Team will be happy to discuss the change with you and determine if any adjustments are necessary.

I entered a subject in error on a protocol in OnCore. What should I do?

While it's always important to check unique subject identifiers like MRN when selecting a subject to register to a protocol in OnCore, mistakes happen and the OnCore Support Team is here to help. In the event that you accidentally add a subject to a protocol in error, please notify the OnCore Support Team at [email protected] as soon as possible so that this subject can be removed.

While I was working in OnCore, I received an error message. Should I report this?

Absolutely! The OnCore Support Team is committed to ensuring that OnCore end users have a stress-free experience. If you encounter an error message while working in OnCore, please take a screen shot of the message and email it to [email protected]. This will allow us to investigate what caused the error and begin work to resolve.

Is it necessary for me to attend the full training session?

Yes, please plan to stay for the full training session.  While there will be brief periods of lecture, we've designed these training courses to be hands-on learning.  If you arrive late or leave early, you will miss important content that could leave you unprepared to work in OnCore Production.

If I need more than one access role, will I need to attend more than one training?

Yes, it is likely that you will need to attend additional training if you require more than one access role. The additional in-person training will be brief and specifically focused on functionality available through the additional role(s).

Can I access OnCore training materials electronically?

Yes! A wide variety of OnCore training materials are available by visiting: OnCore Documents


OnCore Non-production Environments provide a place for new users to practice what was learned in training, without fear of compromising actual data in OnCore Production. We encourage new users to visit a non-production environment to become more familiar with OnCore pages, workflows and functionality.


OnCore Functionality Description
Protocols Built by the OnCore Support Team, protocols contains all study-specific data, including phase, scope, accrual information, sponsors, review activity, etc and serves as the foundation for all OnCore functionality and features.
Study Calendars Built by the OnCore Support Team, study calendars detail the study segments, such as screening, treatment and follow-up, along with the associated visits, procedures, data capture needs, etc expected during the life of the study and serves as the foundation for the creation of the OnCore budget.
Electronic Case Report Forms Built by the OnCore Support Team after collaboration with the study team, electronic case report forms (eCRFs) can be used by the study team to capture subject-level data, such as labs, panels, etc collected during planned study visits;  Data collected through the use of eCRFs in OnCore can be easily exported by the study team for review and analysis at any time during the life of the study.
Budget Created by the CTFM Budget Analyst, budgets in OnCore display the rate base being used to create the budget, such as industry or federal as well as withholding % and indirect or overhead charges being applied;  Also displays negotiated rates associated with both protocol-related and subject-related budget events;  Subject-related budget events can be viewed as a billing grid, which can be shared via integration with an electronic medical record to support research charge routing and review.
Subject Accrual Entered by study teams, accrual can be captured by registering individual study participants to a protocol and then managing their subject status (consented, eligible, on study, on treatment, etc.) or by making summary accrual entries at defined time points during the life of the study.
Subject Visit Tracking  Activated through the management of subject status in OnCore, study teams have access to individualized subject visit calendars for accrued study participants, which details all applicable visits, each with an auto-populated "planned" visit date, associated procedures and corresponding case report forms;  Through post-visit check in, study teams can create invoiceable items as well as communicate visit variations to Clinical Trial Financial Management.
Invoicing & Payments Generated by the CTFM Accountants, invoices to sponsors can be created by selecting protocol-related events from the budget, post-visit subject-related events and items deemed ready for invoice based on an assigned financial trigger;  Upon receipt of payment, the CTFM Accountant can record the application of that payment to both the invoice as well as individual items included on the invoice.
Reporting & Searching Easily accessible by end users, OnCore offers a large variety of standard reports which can provide data on everything from study accrual to staff workload;  Study teams can colloborate with the OnCore Support Team related to defining custom reporting needs;  End users can also utilize robust searching tools for protocol and subject-level data, which are capable of meeting many on-demand reporting needs that can't be satisfied via existing reports.

The process maps below represent key steps associated with use of OnCore Clinical Trial Management System.  Please reference the legend for assistance with identifying ownership for each key step.

Abbreviation Job Title 
CRC Clinical Research Coordinator
CRFA Clinical Research Financial Analyst
CTFM AC CTFM Accountant
CTFM CR CTFM Charge Review Analyst
CTFM RAC CTFM Research Access Coordinator
Epic IS Epic Core Clinical Operations
OST OnCore Support Team
PARC Patient Access and Revenue Cycle

Intake, Study Build, Calendar Build and Budget Development

Intake, Study Build, Calendar Build and Budget Development

Study Participant Registration and Visit Tracking

Study Participant Registration and Visit Tracking

Post-Visit Check In, Charge Review and Invoicing

Post-Visit Check In, Charge Review and Invoicing