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Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program Introduction
Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program Introduction Transcript
Tony Luberti:
Hello and thank you for your interest in the Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program here at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). I'm Tony Luberti, Fellowship Program Directorand Medical Director of Informatics Education here at CHOP. I've been a pediatrician and educator for nearly 35 years and began our ambulatory EHR at CHOP over 20 years ago before launching our ACGME-accredited fellowship program in clinical informatics in 2015, which was one of the first in the nation, and I have to say supporting the fellows has been the most rewarding part of my career. I provide mentorship, personally meet with each fellow weekly, and provide project and career guidance throughout the fellowship and beyond and it's been wonderful to see all of what all of our fellows have accomplished both during and after fellowship. So, this video will introduce to you to some of our current and past fellows, show you what they're doing where they are in their careers and experiences and highlight their diverse backgrounds – not just in pediatrics. If you have any questions about our fellowship, or the application process, feel free to contact me at the email below ([email protected]). Best of luck in your career in clinical informatics and I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!
Leah Carr:
Our program understands and recognizes the value of the fellows, and so they do a great job of integrating people into different projects.
Sameh Saleh:
Very early on, I was able to become an Epic physician builder, get access to databases, and really dive into those experiences.
Evan Orenstein:
I have projects in the ICU where we are working on predictive analytics and sepsis detection and improving care that way.
Naveen Muthu:
Getting that balance of both breadth and focused work, as well as a balance of both didactics and applied project-based experiential work that I could learn from, was really valuable to me as a learner during fellowship.
Leah Carr:
I knew that I was interested in pursuing informatics training leaving my pediatric residency, and connected with a bunch of programs across the country and really enjoyed the interactions I had with Tony Luberti and hearing about a more established fellowship. When I came to CHOP and did my neonatology training, I was able to get to know some of the faculty members better and also connect with some of the current fellows, and I felt like the program had a lot of depth to it, experience and that the faculty were accessible and skilled. I felt like it was the program that was going to give me the most broad and experienced perspective on informatics as a field.
Daria Ferro:
Having so many board-certified clinical informaticians doing so many different things from so many different backgrounds really made it a valuable experience for uh kind of seeing and alsopotentially understanding where I might fit in in the clinical informatics space.
Evan Orenstein:
We developed a lot of really close friendships and relationships that have lasted. So I uh still collaborate with uh my co-fellow, the folks from the year above me, the folks from the years below me, uh we still meet up at AMIA every year.
Naveen Muthu:
Once I you know learned about the fellowship, now have finished the informatics fellowship, I can say that I now have a career where I get to pursue those interests every day and do work that shapes how we deliver care to our patients and supports the people that do that work. That has really all been possible because of this informatics fellowship.