Epigenomics | CHOP Research Institute


Published on
Dec 27, 2022
Featured Diversity Fellow Arnold Olali, PhD, is focused on understanding how mitochondria affect overall health.

The High Throughput Sequencing Core provides access to next-generation sequencing on Illumina® platforms. The staff provides consultation on experimental design, library preparation, and sequencing parameters for a broad range of projects. We are here to listen and create solutions.

The Single Cell Technology Core specializes in state-of-the-art single cell technologies and the analysis of complex data sets. We facilitate transcriptomic, epigenomic, and spatial-omic experiments.

The Wallace Laboratory investigates the role of mitochondria in human evolution, health, and disease.

Utilizing high-throughput genomic technologies, combined with bioinformatic approaches, the Grant Lab is unraveling genomic puzzles related to traits that impact the lifecycle.