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Dr. Mostoufi-Moab's clinical and research program is focused on endocrine late effects after childhood cancer therapy. She has unique dual training in pediatric endocrinology and oncology with a master's degree in clinical epidemiology. The goal of her research program is to pursue a mechanistic understanding of metabolic and endocrine disorders that occur due to cancer therapy.
Dr. Mostoufi-Moab's research program is focused on the impact of cancer on the underlying mechanisms of skeletal maturation and global metabolism after childhood cancer therapy. She investigates the fat-bone relationship as it pertains to enhanced adiposity and metabolic aberrations in childhood cancer survivors after radiation therapy. Her research program has filled scientific gaps by conducting comprehensive studies of musculoskeletal deficits, growth abnormalities, and sarcopenic obesity in long-term survivors of cancer after radiation.
Her other research studies focus on treatment-related growth abnormalities and skeletal deficits in survivors including growth plate disruption in high-risk neuroblastoma and threats to bone accrual in differentiated thyroid cancer.
Lastly, Dr. Mostoufi-Moab treats endocrine tumors with dedicated effort in treating children and adolescents with thyroid cancer. The paucity of research studies on pediatric thyroid cancer demonstrate the need for research on the role of clinical, molecular, and pathological differences in thyroid cancer in children compared to adults. With collaboration, she has used her clinical and epidemiology research experience to study the long-term outcome and impact of thyroid cancer in pediatrics.
A few highlights of recent her research accomplishments include:
- The first study using magnetic resonance diffuse tensor imaging (DTI) to demonstrate the negative long-term impact of cis-retinoic acid, on the pediatric skeleton and marked disruption of growth plate architecture in survivors of high-risk neuroblastoma
- The first longitudinal study delineating skeletal recovery shortly following completion of acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in pediatrics; this study documented dramatic recovery of trabecular and cortical density, cortical dimensions, and defined the relationship between changes in bone density and structure
- The first comprehensive epidemiologic endocrine study to demonstrate an increase of endocrine outcomes in childhood cancer survivors with age, particularly after high-risk treatment exposures.
- A comprehensive longitudinal study demonstrating temporal patterns in the risk of chronic health conditions among survivors of childhood cancer
Education and Training
BA, University of Missouri-Columbia (French), 1995
BS, University of Missouri-Columbia (Biology), 1995
MD, Penn State College of Medicine, 2000
Fellowship, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (Pediatric Endocrinology), 2007
Fellowship, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (Pediatric Hematology/Oncology), 2009
MSCE, University of Pennsylvania (Clinical Epidemiology), 2010
Titles and Academic Titles
Attending Physician
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Professional Memberships
Endocrine Society, 2006-
American Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 2010-
American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2012-
American Thyroid Association, 2012-
Children’s Oncology Group, 2013-
Society of Pediatric Research, 2016-
Professional Awards
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Physician Partnering Award, 2004
William Pottach Fellow Teacher of the Year Award, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 2005
Genetech Clinical Fellows Travel Grant Recipient, 2007
Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium Travel Grant Recipient, 2011
Ethel Foerderer Award, 2017
Publication Highlights
Active Grants/Contracts
Dr. Mostoufi-Moab is the principal investigator for bone deficits and excess adiposity after pediatric bone marrow transplantation. This career development award from the National Cancer Institute from June 2013 to May 2019 provides salary support for 75 percent protective research efforts and funds to examine the mechanism of skeletal deficits, enhanced adiposity, and metabolic complications after childhood allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
As co-investigator for a study of late effects after high-risk neuroblastoma, Dr. Mostoufi-Moab provides endocrine expertise for evaluation and analysis of endocrine-late effects. Supported by the St. Baldrick's Foundation Consortium Award from July 2015 to June 2019, this multicenter, collaborative study is sponsored by the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) to examine the late effects in childhood survivors of high-risk neuroblastoma treated according to standard, multiagent, high-risk neuroblastoma COG protocols.
Dr. Mostoufi-Moab is also the principal investigator of an observational study of growth plate disruption in high-risk neuroblastoma survivors. Funded by a St. Baldrick's Foundation Supportive Grant Award from July 2016 to June 2019, the study assesses bone architecture and quality in high-risk neuroblastoma survivors treated with cis-retinoic acid to characterize the fundamental growth plate abnormalities and bone deficits in these patients.