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Research Topics
Molly Davis, PhD
Molly Davis
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Davis is a clinical psychologist who specializes in risk identification, prevention, and intervention for adolescent depression and suicide. Throughout her work, she leverages her expertise in implementation science to understand ways to implement best practices into community settings.



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Dr. Davis’ research aims to produce findings that can be used to improve the effectiveness and implementation of identification, prevention, and intervention programs for traditionally underserved youth and families, with a particular focus on programs targeting internalizing problems (i.e., depression and anxiety) and suicide risk. She has engaged in research across the translational research spectrum, allowing her to develop expertise in developmental psychopathology, prevention/intervention, and implementation science research.

Dr. Davis is particularly passionate about narrowing the research-to-practice gap in primary care and schools by identifying depression and suicide risk via screening and implementing evidence-based prevention programs to address risk. She is also invested in identifying barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence-based behavioral health practices that are common across different settings and clinical practices to accelerate implementation.

Currently, Dr. Davis works primarily on an Institute of Education Sciences-funded randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy and implementation of a telehealth-delivered group depression prevention program (Interpersonal Psychotherapy-Adolescent Skills Training) for adolescents in schools. She is also collaborating with researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and CHOP on a P50 Center, which focuses on testing novel suicide and depression prevention approaches in pediatric primary care, most of which involve digital mental health tools. She is a co-investigator on the P50, leading the implementation science aspects of the R01 and three R34s.

Education and Training

PhD, University of Georgia (Clinical Psychology)

Certification, University of Georgia (Quantitative Methods in Family Science)

Titles and Academic Titles

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Research Psychologist