Nissim Laboratory



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The Nissim Lab is led by a biochemist and a pioneer in the application of stable isotopes, mass spectrometry, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to study metabolome and fluxome and their coupling to genome in normal and disease states. The lab’s long-standing interest focuses on understanding the cause, mechanisms, and outcome of metabolic disorders.

Exemplar projects by the Nissim Lab include: the mechanisms of hepatic metabolic dysfunction and understanding the molecular and metabolome/fluxome malfunction in metabolic syndrome; pathogenic mitochondrial integrity and function; and the molecular and metabolomic characteristics of carcinoma.

The lab has also collaborated, supported, and contributed to many projects dealing with metabolomics and fluxomics functions in normal and disease states. This research approach incorporates the metabolome and fluxome to the genome by employing techniques such as stable isotopes, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and molecular biology, which has fundamentally transformed the study of major disease processes like cancer, fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome, and the coupling between neurological function and metabolism


Itzhak Nissim, PhD

Dr. Nissim is a biochemist and a pioneer in the application of stable isotopes, mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance to study metabolome and fluxome and their coupling to genome in normal and disease states. His long-standing interest focuses on understanding the cause, mechanisms, and outcome of metabolic disorders.