Heart Failure | CHOP Research Institute

Heart Failure

Published on
Oct 6, 2023
The Advanced Cardiac Therapies Frontier Program will find new solutions for treating heart failure in children.

Harnessing the collective power of CHOP and Penn Medicine, CHOP Cardiovascular Institute will drive scientific discovery and medical breakthroughs that will improve pediatric cardiovascular care.

The Kelly Lab is focused on deciphering the metabolic origins of disease toward novel therapeutic targets aimed at heart failure.

Dr. Kelly’s research career began with deciphering the genetic basis of inborn errors in metabolism in children, followed by a series of breakthrough discoveries relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of common forms of heart failure in the general population.

dankelly [at] pennmedicine.upenn.edu

Dr. Rossano's extensive research experience primarily involves the epidemiology and outcomes of cardiovascular disease in children, and multi-institutional collaborative observational and interventional studies. His particular research interests include evaluating the treatment and outcomes of pediatric cardiomyopathy, heart failure, and transplantation.

rossanoj [at] chop.edu
Published on
Sep 21, 2018
From novel findings about the role of mtDNA in heart disease to news about the 2nd Eagles Autism Challenge, we've got the latest headlines.