Medical Ethics | CHOP Research Institute

Medical Ethics

Research in the Callahan Lab aims to improve the management of complex genetic information to maximize benefit for children and their families in the NICU.

Katharine Press Callahan, MD, MSME, is a neonatologist and ethicist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Her research aims to improve the ways in which we manage genetic information, and other complex medical information, to maximize benefit for children and their families.

callahankp [at]
Published on
May 5, 2023
The American Pediatric Society honored Dr. Feudtner for his contributions to pediatric sciences.
Published on
Dec 22, 2021
CHOP researchers examine specific health effects faced by parents and siblings of very sick children and adolescents.

The Feudtner Lab advances the well-being of children, adolescents, and young adults with complex chronic conditions and serious, often rare, illnesses, and promotes the well-being of their families.

Dr. Feudtner's research strives to advance the well-being of pediatric patients with complex chronic conditions and serious, often rare, illnesses, and to promote the well-being of their families. Along with his colleagues, Dr. Feudtner is conducting studies focusing on pediatric palliative care, complex care, the impact on families of pediatric serious illness, and pediatric medical ethics.

feudtner [at]
Published on
Dec 29, 2014
Parents of children with serious illnesses often have mixed emotions fluctuating from happiness, pride, and joy to concern, fear, and anger.