Neurophysiological Biomarkers in Rett Syndrome



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The purpose of this study to learn more about the brain function of females with Rett Syndrome and how it compares to the brain function of typically developing females. The primary investigator of the study is Dr. Eric Marsh.

For our research to be successful we need to partner with families who have a typically developing daughter between the age of 1 and 17. If your child agrees to help us with our study she will be asked to:
  • Complete intelligence testing
  • Receive an Evoked Potential measurement - this is a non-invasive procedure similar to an EEG.
  • Complete yearly follow up visits
All participants are compensated for their time and travel.

Who Do I Contact?

If you are interested in participating in the study or want to learn more please contact our study team at kesslerc [at] or 267-426-5171.

Eligibility & Criteria

IRB #:
Official Title:
Characterization of Translatable Neurophysiological Biomarkers to Enhance Therapeutic Development in Rett Syndrome
Study Phase:
Not Applicable
Eligible Age Range:
1 - 18 Years
Study Categories:

Visit Criteria

Baseline Visit: Control Screener, Questionnaires, EEG/EP 
Optional 2-Week Visit: EEG/EP 
6-Month Follow Up Visit: EEG/EP 
Year 1 to 5 Follow Up Visits: EEG/EP