IDDRC Biostatistics and Data Science Core



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Though the support of the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, personnel from the Biostatistics and Data Science Core (BDSC) are able to provide limited, free consultation to individual, approved users. Users requiring more extensive collaboration must find other sources of funding to support these efforts.

The Biostatistics sub-core allows IDDRC users access to experts in:

  • Study Design, both in humans (clinical trials and observational designs) and for experiments working with animal models or cells
  • Guidance on the application of statistical methodologies to specific research problems
  • Modification and improvement of statistical methods to address deficiencies related to statistical applications to intellectual and developmental disabilities problems
  • Reproducible research including the development of statistical analysis plans and documentation of code and results
  • Access to an online repository of well-documented code
  • Interpretation of statistical findings in the context of the scientific research question.

The Informatics and Machine Learning sub-core will provide access to experts in:

  • Informatics resources for the analysis, storage, interpretation, visualization and workflow construction of "Excel-ready" omics and other high-dimensional data
  • Machine Learning methods (including deep neural networks) to model high-dimensional data sets
  • Interpretation of summarized results from omics experiments in connection with phenotype/disease-specific domain knowledge.

We offer formal training for our IDDRC Trainees through a workshop in study design and analysis, and a short course in machine learning and data integration for high-dimensional data. We will continue our one-on-one mentoring of trainees and junior faculty.



Mary Putt, PhD, ScD
Core Director