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CAR Autism Roadmap
autism [at] (autism[at]chop[dot]edu)
CAR Autism Roadmap
Roberts Center for Pediatric Research
5th Floor
2716 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146
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Differences Between the Preschool and School-Age Systems in Pennsylvania


Though both the Preschool and School-age Special Education Systems are governed by Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the law allows states some flexibility in developing their own regulations, particularly with respect to timelines. Below are a few key differences between the Preschool and School-age systems in Pennsylvania.

  1. The Provider: In Pennsylvania, though the school district where you live is ultimately responsible for ensuring that your preschool-age child receives a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), your local Intermediate Unit (IU) is directly responsible for delivering preschool services to your child. In the school-age system, your school district is much more involved in the special education of your child from the moment of transition to the system or from when your child first becomes eligible for school-age special education. (This is very different from New Jersey, where school districts are directly involved in the education of preschool-age children.)
  2. Timelines: In Pennsylvania, the following timelines are different in the two systems:
  Preschool School-Age
Evaluations 60 calendar days from when parent signs Permission to Evaluate (PTE) form Every 3 years unless child has an IQ below 70 (then every 2 years) or upon parent's request
Frequency of Re-Evaluation Every 2 years or upon parent's request Every 3 years unless child has an IQ below 70 (then every 2 years) or upon parent's request
IEP Implementation 14 calendar days after IEP accepted Within 10 school days after IEP accepted
Transition Transition begins within 1 year of when your child becomes age-eligible for kindergarten Transition begins at age 14 (federal law requires by age 16)
The Center for Autism Research and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia do not endorse or recommend any specific person or organization or form of treatment. The information included within the CAR Autism Roadmap™ and CAR Resource Directory™ should not be considered medical advice and should serve only as a guide to resources publicly and privately available. Choosing a treatment, course of action, and/or a resource is a personal decision, which should take into account each individual's and family's particular circumstances.