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2023 CHOP Summer Scientific Research Colloquium
The CHOP Summer Scientific Research Colloquium is designed for students and those who are interested in learning more about biomedical research.
The series provides research and career development insights from some of CHOP’s most distinguished faculty and mentors. Speakers will lead interactive discussions aimed at demystifying academic medicine and share their experiences pursuing a biomedical research career.
Sessions will take place every other Monday in June and July, from 4 - 5 p.m. June sessions take place in Buerger 1212/1213/1214 and July sessions take place in CTRB 1351.
June 12
Susan L. Furth, MD, PhD
Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer
June 26
Adam C. Resnick, PhD
Director, Center for Data Driven Discovery in Biomedicine (D3b)
July 10
Rhonda C. Boyd, PhD
Director of Research Training, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Training Program
July 24
Alain J. Benitez, MD, MSTR
Director of Clinical Research, Suzi and Scott Lustgarten Center for GI Motility