Medulloblastoma | CHOP Research Institute


Children (less than 10 years of age) are eligible if they have been diagnosed with either a medulloblastoma tumor or CNS embryonal tumors of the brain or spinal cord.

Dr. Cole is a pediatric neuro-oncologist who has dedicated her career to translational and clinical research, combining her expertise in molecular pathology, cancer genomics, and developmental therapeutics to identify novel treatments for children with cancer.

colek [at]
Published on
Dec 31, 2015
In 2016, one million or more volunteers may begin enrolling in one of the largest long-term medical research studies ever planned. It aims to inform future therapies targeted to the molecular, environmental, and behavioral factors that contribute to diverse diseases.
Published on
Aug 20, 2015
Tom Curran, PhD, FRS, of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute, contributed to an article in the Journal of Clinical Oncology assessing the efficacy of a drug called vismodegib (Erivedge) in a subgroup of patients with recurrent medulloblastoma.