Randomized Controlled Trials | CHOP Research Institute

Randomized Controlled Trials

Dr. DeMauro has special expertise in rigorous assessment of early childhood outcomes of high-risk neonates. Her research focuses on improving outcomes of children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and school-age assessment of functional outcomes in preterm-born children.

demauro [at] chop.edu

A Social Media Peer Group for Mothers To Prevent Obesity from Infancy: The Grow2Gether Randomized Trial

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Jun 23, 2015
Many families of premature infants quickly become familiar with a powerful research tool called a randomized clinical trial (RCT). Neonatologists may invite them to participate in RCTs, as they investigate ways to help prevent, treat, and manage the myriad complications that can occur when these babies’ organs are not ready for life outside their mothers’ wombs.