Biomaterials | CHOP Research Institute


Research in the Levy Lab centers on the pathophysiology of biomaterials used in medicine, basic mechanisms and novel therapies for heart valve disease, arterial angioplasty, local drug delivery, and nanomedicine.

Dr. Stachelek's laboratory employs an interdisciplinary approach to understand inflammatory processes in the vasculature with the overarching goal of developing novel strategies to address aberrant biocompatibility issues associated with cardiovascular devices.

Published on
Dec 26, 2018
Center for Pediatric Airway Disorders launches first-of-its kind bioengineering and biomaterials laboratory dedicated to pediatric laryngology.

Dr. Levy is the director of Cardiology Research, and also serves as program director of the Cardiology National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Research Training Grant. His research interests are the pathophysiology of biomaterials used in medicine, basic mechanisms and novel therapies for heart valve disease, arterial angioplasty, local drug delivery, and nanomedicine. He also has experience over three decades in medical device development.

levyr [at]