Glypican-2 | CHOP Research Institute


The Bosse Lab focuses on the development of new immune-based therapies for neuroblastoma, an embryonal malignancy of the developing nervous system.

The cure rate for children with neuroblastoma is unacceptable, making it imperative that new therapies are developed. Dr. Bosse's laboratory is focused on discovering and developing new neuroblastoma cell surface immunotherapeutic targets. Along with his colleagues, Dr. Bosse's aim is to capitalize on the robust differential expression of these molecules with immune-based therapies and also define their mechanisms of overexpression and roles in tumorigenesis.

bossek [at]
Published on
Sep 22, 2017
Notable awards, new autism initiatives, and a novel approach to managing sickle cell disease are all part of this week's roundup of research news. As Children's Hospital of Philadelphia experts made waves at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference in Chicago, our local Philadelphia Eagles launched a new commitment to support autism research at CHOP and neighboring institutions