Nursing | CHOP Research Institute


Published on
Jan 20, 2025
Meet new Diversity Fellow Leigh Ann DiFusco, PhD, RN.
Published on
May 24, 2023
Five nurse scientists share how nursing research is vital to driving improvements in children’s health.
Published on
Apr 8, 2021
In this Q&A, Dr. Perry discusses her research, her experience as a CHOP Diversity Fellow, and the importance of Celebrate Diversity Month.
Published on
Feb 8, 2021
Martha Curley, RN, PhD, Ruth M. Colket Endowed Chair in Nursing, shares her transformative work and perspective on nursing research in this Q&A.
Published on
Nov 10, 2020
Amy Jo Lisanti, PhD, RN, supports pediatric cardiovascular nurses in enhancing the role of parents during their infant’s hospitalization.

Dr. Lisanti's research focuses on understanding the influence of individualized family-centered developmental care (IFDC) on infants with congenital heart disease and their families. She is investigating the biobehavioral mechanisms that influence parent stress and mental health symptoms, with the ultimate goal of discovering biological and psychosocial links between parent mental health and child developmental outcomes.

lisanti [at]

Dr. Curley's research focuses on nurse-implemented interventions in pediatric critical care. Over several decades, her studies have illuminated relationship-based care when partnering with parents of critically ill children, supported parent presence during invasive procedures and resuscitation, and have informed the practice of caring for critically-ill pediatric patients with acute respiratory failure.

Photo Attribution: Penn Nursing

curley [at]
Published on
Aug 23, 2018
A research project by nurse scientists showed that only two of the largest U.S. cities have local legislative protections in place for breastfeeding moms returning to work outside of the home.
Published on
Aug 3, 2018
Martha A.Q. Curley, RN, PhD, is bringing her Nursing research experience to the Institute as the new Ruth M. Colket Endowed Chair in Pediatric Nursing.
Published on
May 30, 2017
More mothers are breastfeeding than ever before. However, getting breastfeeding going can be difficult. Babies with inherited metabolic disorders, such as medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (let's just call it MCAD) can be especially vulnerable to low blood sugar if they aren't getting enough milk in the early days of breastfeeding.