Hirschsprung Disease | CHOP Research Institute

Hirschsprung Disease

Published on
Mar 29, 2024
This week In The News, researchers study branched chain amino acids to develop potential new treatments for quicker concussion recovery and more.

Dr. Mousa's research interests include using gastric neuromodulation, esophageal remodeling, using novel therapies to treat functional motility disorders, and the gut-brain axis.

mousah [at] chop.edu

The Heuckeroth Lab investigates mechanisms controlling bowel motility in order to find new ways to treat, diagnose, and prevent intestinal motility disorders.

Dr. Heuckeroth investigates mechanisms controlling bowel motility in order to find new ways to treat, diagnose, and prevent intestinal motility disorders. His research is focused on enteric nervous system and smooth muscle biology as he works to find new ways to improve the lives of children with bowel motility disorders.

heuckerothr [at] chop.edu