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Guidance on Other Support - Required Digital Signature
As the National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidance around the Other Support document continues to evolve, the Pre-Award Research Administration team has made important updates to our internal guidance and catalog of resources.
Per recent directives communicated by NIH administration at their annual meeting, a certified, time-stamped digital signature will now be required on Other Support documents when requested by an NIH Institute or Center.
Additional resources to support CHOP investigators in meeting this requirement have now been posted to the Pre-Award Resources page on the Research Intranet, among them a signature job aid as well as a fillable blank signature page that can be appended to the Other Support document.
Find them under the heading "Update February 16, 2022" on the Pre-Award Research Administration's Resources page.
Please note that Research Information Services (4-HELP) should be contacted directly if you encounter technical issues with Adobe software or Adobe Sign functionality. The Pre-Award Office can provide assistance with administrative compliance only.