ALRN-6924 in Pediatric Cancer
This study is now recruiting.
This study involves taking a study drug called ALRN-6924. ALRN-6924 is an investigational cancer treatment that activates p53, which suppresses the growth of tumors by blocking proteins in the cell called MDM2 and MDMX that inhibit p53 from doing its job. The overall goals of this study are to evaluate the side effects and benefits of ALRN-6924 in patients with relapsed or treatment refractory solid tumor or brain tumor, and to determine the best dose of ALRN-6924 for children and adolescents. This study will also look at how the body breaks down ALRN-6924 by measuring the amount of ALRN-6924 in the blood over time after a dose.
Who Do I Contact?
If you are interested in participating in the study or want to learn more please contact our study team at RODRIGUECS [at] or 267-426-9293.
Visit Criteria
This study will enroll male and female patients who are between 1 and 21 years of age and who have a relapsed or treatment refractory solid tumor or brain tumor. Subjects will receive ALRN-6924 intravenously (by IV). Drugs will be given to try to prevent nausea and vomiting before each ALRN-6924 dose. Study visits will also include the following assessments: blood tests, collection of cerebrospinal fluid (if lumbar puncture is already being performed), and collection of tumor biopsy tissue (if tumor biopsy is already being performed).