Autism Spectrum Disorder | CHOP Research Institute

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Published on
Nov 26, 2024
Donna McDonald-McGinn, Director of the 22q and You Center, received a Dedication to Service award for her lifelong 22q11.2 deletion syndrome work.

The Early Insights Research Study aims to understand brain development in infants and toddlers who may or may not develop intellectual or developmental delay.

Published on
Nov 22, 2024
CHOP researchers are developing a tool to illuminate brain activity in children with severe neurodevelopmental disorders, who are often excluded from research.
We are making a program to teach autistic young adults with intellectual disability (ID) about romantic relationships.

Conversations are important for getting along in everyday life, but we don't really know what makes them successful. This study aims to find out what factors help make conversations better.

Published on
Oct 23, 2024
An interactive platform with four evidence-based modules will provide resources for independent mobility for teens with autism.
Published on
Aug 19, 2024
In two new studies, the Gandal Lab has identified thousands of new gene transcripts.

The Building Up Food Flexibility and Exposure Treatment (BUFFET) program helps autistic children 8-12 years old to be more flexible with trying new or non-preferred foods.

Dr. Shen's research interests center on understanding the network dynamics of multisensory and sensorimotor interactions and their contribution to fine motor skills, particularly regarding speech and language development.

sheng1 [at]

Dr. Chen's research uses MEG, EEG, and MRI to understand the maturation of brain function and structure in infants and young children with typical development and at-risk/with neurodevelopmental disorders. Her work focuses on how early brain development contributes to neurodevelopmental outcomes.

cheny4 [at]