Metabolism | CHOP Research Institute


The purpose of this study is to find out more about an investigational drug called mRNA-3927 (the study drug).

The purpose of this study is to find out more about mRNA-3705, a study drug that is being tested and is not approved by the U.
This research study is called the Lysosomal Storage Disease Registries.
Published on
Mar 18, 2024
Learn how the NAD metabolite controls how well T and B cells can detect their antigens, leading to quicker immune responses.

Promoting and fostering new research ventures and collaborations among our community of basic and translational investigators, clinician-scientists, and clinicians with shared interests in skeletal health and diseases

The purpose of this study is to find out if JR-141, an experimental drug, works better than the standard treatment, idursulfase, for MPS II (Hunter Syndrome) and how safe and effective it is in the management of central nervous system symptoms and other body symptoms related to MPS II.

Establish connections between biomarkers and the stage and grade of bone and cartilage disease in MPS patients.

The Kelly Lab is focused on deciphering the metabolic origins of disease toward novel therapeutic targets aimed at heart failure.

Dr. Kelly’s research career began with deciphering the genetic basis of inborn errors in metabolism in children, followed by a series of breakthrough discoveries relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of common forms of heart failure in the general population.

dankelly [at]

The Mitchell Lab uses epidemiological methods to investigate determinants of energetic behavior.