Lung Injury | CHOP Research Institute

Lung Injury

Published on
Dec 16, 2024
Dr. David Frank and a team of researchers found that pulmonary venous endothelial cells contribute to the repair of blood vessels after lung injury.
Published on
Oct 31, 2024
Our October Faculty Spotlight shines on Jarod Zepp, PhD, who studies cellular responses to injury and regeneration in the lung.

This study is enrolling people who have developed lung problems (called Bronchiolitis Obliterans or BO) after hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT).

The study goal is to risk stratify pediatric (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) ARDS patients and to identify sub-phenotypes with shared biology in order to appropriately target therapies in future trials.
Published on
Aug 25, 2023
CHOP researchers discover a link between circadian cycles and lung repair and regeneration.

The two areas of investigation in the Sengupta Lab are determining the mechanisms of the circadian regulation of lung inflammation, injury and repair/regeneration; and effect of early life exposures on the development (or maldevelopment) and function of pulmonary circadian networks in adulthood.

Dr. Sengupta is a neonatologist and physician scientist with a long-standing interest in lung health. She studies the mechanisms of circadian regulation of lung inflammation, injury, and repair; and the effect of early life exposures on development and function of pulmonary circadian networks in adulthood.

senguptas [at]