CPAP | CHOP Research Institute


Published on
Aug 19, 2022
In our latest news roundup, new findings on fetal hemoglobin, continuous positive airway pressure, and more.

Dr. Xanthopoulos's research focuses on the development, implementation, and adherence to medical and lifestyle interventions, including non-invasive ventilation (CPAP/BPAP), eating habits, physical activity, and sleep. She has a particular interest in the interactions among behavioral, lifestyle, psychosocial and physiologic factors as they relate to health and neurobehavioral functioning and quality of life in youth and families.

xanthop [at]
Published on
Dec 8, 2014
Obesity and OSAS often exist simultaneously, and both conditions have been associated with neurobehavioral changes such as problems with regulating emotions, school performance, attention, and alertness.
Published on
Sep 2, 2014
When an infant is born, we usually think of the strenuous effort labor entails for the mother, but it also requires a fair amount of work on the baby’s part.