The goals of this research study are to find out how having COVID-19 recently affects blood sugar, inflammation, and insulin in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
The goal of this Phase 2 study is to assess safety and efficacy of frexalimab to preserve β-cell function in participants with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes (T1D).
This study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the MiniMed 780G insulin pump system used in combination with the DS5 CGM in type 1 diabetic pediatric participants in a home setting.
PRONTO-PEDS will test if a ultra-fast insulin product given before or immediately after meals improves glycemic control in children and teens with type 1 diabetes.
This is a study that investigates whether an IV medication (teplizumab) will slow or halt the progression of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents (ages 8 - 17 years).