The study will measure both myocardial dysfunction and inflammation as it is related to the severity of cardiac arrest, and their association with post-cardiac arrest morbidity and mortality.
The study will use residual blood collected from clinical samples collected around the time of meeting study inclusion to identify subphenotypes of subjects with shared underlying protein biomarker profiles, correlate subphenotypes with PICU morality, and assess degree of overlap between subphenotypes and classical syndromic definitions.
This study measures plasma biomarkers in children enrolled in PRoMPT BOLUS with existing stored samples which were collected at randomization in order to assess the for differential effects of fluid assignment on MAKE30 across risk strata using two distinct biomarker-based mortality prediction models (Aim 1) and separately across two different b
The LUng iNjury Group at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is dedicated to advancing the care of children who have difficulty breathing, with a focus on hospitalized children with severe respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation.
The study goal is to risk stratify pediatric (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) ARDS patients and to identify sub-phenotypes with shared biology in order to appropriately target therapies in future trials.
The mission of the Clinical Pharmacology RAG is to support CHOP investigators engaged in clinical pharmacology research, foster collaborations within the CHOP/Penn research community, and create additional educational opportunities for trainees.
The Lurie Family Foundations MEG Imaging Center uses advanced imaging methods to study brain development, autism spectrum disorder, and mild traumatic brain injury/concussion.
This study is looking to recruit CHOP patients 5-30 years old with suspected/ confirmed bone sarcomas. The study is looking to evaluate a new MRI technique to evaluate bones and any mass in them.
Vancomycin is a commonly administered antibiotic in critically ill children, but it can have unwanted side effects on the kidney (acute kidney injury).
The goal of this study is to identify unique characteristics in the way kids and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) speak in comparison to typically developing peers.