Lentiviral Vectors | CHOP Research Institute

Lentiviral Vectors

Published on
Nov 5, 2021
The Clinical Vector Core, an award-winning, state-of-the-art, multi-product GMP manufacturing facility, supports the growing field of gene therapy.
Published on
Apr 30, 2021
This week’s news round-up highlights the CCMT’s state-of-the-art Clinical Manufacturing Facility
Published on
Feb 1, 2021
CHOP researchers have developed a potentially safer and more effective gene therapy vector for red blood disorders.

The Research Vector Core provides state-of-the-art technology support for investigators requiring viral-based vectors for gene transfer in basic research and pre-clinical studies.

Dr. Rivella is an expert in the pathophysiology of erythroid and iron disorders and in the generation of lentiviral vectors for the cure of hemoglobinopathies. He also investigates additional disorders such as anemia of inflammation and hemochromatosis.

rivellas [at] chop.edu