Healthcare Disparities | CHOP Research Institute

Healthcare Disparities

Published on
Feb 1, 2023
Diversity Fellow April J. Ancheta, PhD, RN, studies how school and social policies affect health disparities in marginalized youth communities.

Dr. Lawrence Fried's research focuses on telemedicine, family engagement, transition of care, and increased coordination with primary care for pediatric epilepsy patients. He is also interested in healthcare disparities, especially as it pertains to telemedicine.

friedl [at]
Published on
Oct 9, 2020
In the News shares new findings on the treatment of COVID-19 complications, driving license suspensions, lymphatic disorders, and more.

Dr. Silber is the director of the Center for Outcomes Research at CHOP, and is an internationally known authority on outcomes measurement and severity adjustment for both adult and pediatric applications.

silber [at]

Dr. Wallis explores socio-demographic disparities in the diagnosis of developmental disorders and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and the process of screening for these conditions in pediatric primary care. She aims to develop and test strategies to improve developmental outcomes for all children and to bridge gaps in identification and care for low-income and minority children and girls with developmental delays and autism spectrum disorder.

wallisk [at]
Published on
Mar 17, 2015
A study published in Pediatrics and written by Steven Willi, MD, director of the Diabetes Center for Children at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, took a close look at health care practitioners’ prescribing practices for insulin pumps.