Study of Rifampin as a Treatment for Elevated Calcium Levels in Patients with Genetic Vitamin D Excess



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You are invited to take part in a voluntary research trial because you have a genetic defect in vitamin D metabolism that causes elevated blood and/or urine levels of calcium and you are between the ages of 6 months and 65 years. You will be given a rifampin, which is an antibiotic drug that has been approved in the US by the FDA for treatment of many infections. Rifampin has not been approved for use in disorders of vitamin D metabolism. If you meet all criteria, you will be asked to come to CHOP for study visits and have phone calls for a total of approximately 48 weeks. Besides administration of the study product, the study procedures include: review of medical records, physical exam, ultrasound of the kidneys, blood and urine tests, tests of intestinal calcium absorption and nutritional assessment. Participants aged 3 years or older will also have a DXA scan performed. You will be compensated for your time and reimbursed for travel.

Who Do I Contact?

If you are interested in participating in the study or want to learn more please contact our study team at levinem [at] or 267-426-7482.

Eligibility & Criteria

IRB #:
Official Title:
Rifampin to Reduce Elevated Levels of Blood and Urine Calcium in Patients with Inactivating Mutations in the CYP24A1 Gene (RICHH)
Study Phase:
Phase II
Eligible Age Range:
6 Months - 65 Years
Study Categories:

Visit Criteria

This study will take approximately 36 weeks (up to 48 weeks) and include 6 research study visits to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and an additional 5 blood and urine tests.