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Virtual Student Offerings
The Office of Academic Training and Outreach Programs is committed to supporting our future STEM-M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine) professionals. We have thoughtfully curated educational materials to allow for exploration of research science topics and career paths.
Call to Action: Diversity and Inclusion in STEM
Presented by: Dr. Kisha Hawthorne, the Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer at CHOP, shares her personal STEM journey and why diversity is important in STEM.
Focuses on various STEM-M careers across CHOP
- Begin with the End in Mind
Presented by: Megan Nghe, MSN, RN - Life as a Neurologist and Neuroscientist – The Good, the Bad...and the REALLY COOL
Presented by: Defne Amado, MD - Finding Your Why: One Doc's Path Toward Becoming a Physician Advocate
Presented by: Ashlee Murray, MD, MPH - Tenaciously Pursuing a Career in Autism Research – Why, How, and What’s Happening Now
Presented by: Presented by: Julia Parish-Morris, PhD - My Career Path as an MD Physician Scientist: The Pursuit of Translational Research to Advance Inherited Mitochondrial Disease
Presented by: Marni J. Falk, MD - I am a Registered Nurse
Presented by: Sabrina Brooks - Nursing Science: How Do We Innovate Care?
Presented by: Warren Frankenberger, PhD, RN, CCNS - Weaving the Safety Net for a Hospital: A Career in Advocacy and Health Policy
Presented by: Joel A. Fein, MD, MPH - My Journey Into Pediatrics
Presented by: George Dalembert, MD, MSHP
Dives into research going on at CHOP
- Why Science?
Presented by: Amedia J. Mccoy - An Engineered Path: Past, Present, Future
Presented by: Brittany Taylor, PhD - Researching the Human Microbiome
Presented by: Arwas Abbas - Deep Immunoprofiling in Immune Dysregulation
Presented by: Sarah E. Henrickson, MD, PhD - Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare using Electronic Health Records
Presented by: Fuchiang (Rich) Tsui, PhD - Finding the Next Pandemic Before it Finds us
Presented by: Kristen A. Feemster, MD, MPH, MSHPR, FAAP
Pre-work / Supplemental Resources: How to find the next pandemic virus before it finds us | Where did viruses come from? - New Success in Treating Allergies to Peanuts and Other Foods
Presented by: Jonathan Spergel, MD, PhD
Pre-work / Supplemental Resources: New Success in Treating Allergies to Peanuts and Other Foods | 2020 Clinical Research Forum Top Ten Sustained Outcomes in Oral Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergy - Vaping
Presented by: Brian Jenssen, MD, MSHP
Pre-work / Supplemental Resources: Juul Disregarded Early Evidence it was Hooking Teens | Why Vaping is Bad for You | Primary Care Perspectives: E-cigarette Use in Adolescents
Provides skill specific resources.

Presented by: Rebecca Somach - Learn the common parts of a research article and strategies to approach reading and understanding research articles, especially in an unfamiliar topic area.

Presented by: Mariah K. Francis, MPA - Learn the value of mentorship, qualities to look for in a mentor / mentee, and tips for an effective mentor-mentee relationship.

Presented by: Christopher Rock, PhD - Learn how to create a hypothesis, as well as the steps of hypothesis-driven research and why these steps are important

Presented by: Arwa Abbas, PhD - Learn about math required for common lab practices, including scientific notation and exponents, units of measurement and molecular weight and molarity.
- Goal Setting
Presented by: Wendy Williams PhD
Lays out the educational pathways to various careers.

Presented by: Jessica McCurry, MSN, CRNP - Jessica McCurry, MSN, CRNP describes her educational background and how she became a nurse practitioner at CHOP.

Presented by: Mallory Perry - Join Dr. Perry as she describes her educational background and how she came to be a pediatric intensive care nurse at CHOP.
- Introduction to Immunotherapy
Presented by: Jessica Foster, MD - Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization Lab
Presented by: Andrew Glatz, MD - Bioengineering and Biomaterials Laboratory
Presented by: Riccardo Gottardi, PhD - What is Pediatric Oncology?
Presented by: Lisa Wray, MD
Highlights diverse scientists and hot topics related to diversity in STEM-M

Presented by: Meghan Grubb, MA, MS - Learn what diversity means at CHOP, why it’s important to science and research, and how this video series will highlight diversity across the institution.

Presented by: Meghan Grubb, MA, MS - Episode One of the series, Diverse Scientist Highlights, features Ben Barres, an American neurobiologist who worked at Standford University.

Presented by: Meghan Grubb, MA, MS - Episode Two of the series, Diverse Scientist Highlights, features Mae Carol Jemison, an American engineer, physician, and former NASA astronaut.

Presented by: Meghan Grubb, MA, MS - Episode Three of the series, Diverse Scientist Highlights, features Vivien Thomas, an American laboratory supervisor who became a cardiac surgery pioneer.

Presented by: Meghan Grubb, MA, MS - Episode Four of the series, Diverse Scientist Highlights, features Helen Rodríguez Trías, a pediatrician, educator, and women’s rights activist.

Presented by: Francis Ayombil, PhD - Learn how the life of a scientist can be unique and dependent on their life style, work ethic, or family structure.

Presented by: Carolyn Yrigollen, PhD - Learn about Imposter Syndrome and strategies to manage it as you work to accomplish your goals.

Presented by: Shawn Bates, PhD - Learn why it is important to have diversity in science and how one might use code switching to “fit in.”

Presented by: Meghan Grubb, MA, MS - Learn about unconscious bias, how it develops, and ways to mitigate it.