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Recruitment Enhancement Core

Published on · Last Updated 11 months 3 weeks ago


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The Recruitment Enhancement Core (REC) is a free service providing study teams with additional recruitment support. Services include recruitment strategy consultation for protocols and grant writing, recruitment strategy consultation for studies already in progress, writing and editing recruitment documents, IRB regulatory support related to recruitment, deploying recruitment emails/letters, tear pad advertising around CHOP’s campus, submissions to This Week at CHOP and CHOP social media tools, utilization of Clinical Trial Finder advertisement and other resources to support study enrollment.  We also support enrollment in the community and maintain a participant registry list of families who have indicated that they are interested in participating in research at CHOP.

To view some of the current ongoing research at CHOP, please visit

To sign up to be contacted about studies you may qualify for, please sign up for our research participant registry.

To add your study to the Research Discovery Finder, please visit this website or contact [email protected]

Family Resources

Download "What are Germs", a set of coloring activity sheets related to COVID-19 to help children understand germs, germ prevention and proper hand washing. 

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Understanding Clinical Research

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What is Clinical Research?

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute is dedicated to solving the most challenging problems in children’s health, and we couldn't do it without the partnership of research participants. Clinical research volunteers help scientists learn more about the human body, medications and medical devices, safety, behavior, and even the health system. At CHOP, we’re grateful for our clinical research volunteers who partner with us to help advance the next breakthroughs in medicine. Learn more about what participating entails and how to volunteer for a research study at CHOP.