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Bridge to Faculty Program

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Applications for the Bridge to Faculty Program are currently closed.

The Bridge to Faculty Program was developed to support CHOP based PhD or MD/PhD postdoctoral fellows and early-stage scientists prepare for a successful transition into a tenure track faculty position. The goal is to support diverse trainees from historically underrepresented groups by 1) positioning program participants to be competitive for tenure track positions 2) supporting them during the application and interview process and 3) preparing them for the rigorous expectations of a tenure track faculty position driving advancement and promotion. This is a 1–3-year individualized training program. The length of the program is determined by the stage of training the participants are in at the time of application. The program is funded by the CHOP Research Institute and is similar in structure to the K99 portion of the K99/R00.


Salary ($70,000 in year 1, increasing in $2000 increments in years 2 and 3) and benefits, funds for travel ($2,000), research supplies ($5,000), workshop/classes/professional development ($5,000).

Program Components

Research Training

  • The goal will be to transition to an independent project that could be proposed when applying for a tenure track faculty position (being able to clearly state how this project will differ from the current mentor's work will be essential)
  • Program participants will have a mentoring committee that meets twice a year to discuss research progress and help to drive the project toward independence, help with grant review, application materials review, and interview preparations
  • Expected participation in Grant Proposal Success (GPS) program and submission of a competitive grant(s) at the appropriate stage in the program
  • Participation in CHOP's Responsible Conduct of Research sessions, Research Integrity series, and mentorship trainings

Professional Development (no more than 1-2 hrs/week)

  • Access to programming offered through:
    • CHOP and Penn Offices of Faculty Development
    • Office of Academic Training and Outreach Programs (ATOP)
    • Postdocs for Diversity in Science
    • CHOP Postdoctoral Research Fellow for Academic Diversity
  • One-to-one interactions with:
    • Professional development faculty sponsor at CHOP or Penn to help guide them toward successful positioning for a faculty position (meet with 2-3 times each year of the program)
    • Committee on Appointments and Promotions (COAP) members
    • Career coaching session(s)
    • Staff from Penn's Office of Faculty Development to discuss the tenure track process and steps for success
    • Trainee will have the opportunity to help select and host scientific seminar speakers

Supplemental Educational Training

  • Develop an individualized curriculum as needed (address areas of didactic training needed for successful transition to faculty)


  • Applicants must contribute to the diversity at CHOP
  • Current senior Postdocs, Research Associates, Scientists, and Instructors at CHOP (if in a non-postdoc role, must be within 3 years of transitioning from Postdoc) OR be appointed to one of these positions prior to the start of the program
  • Targeted toward PhD or MD/PhD-trained scientists looking to transition to tenure track faculty positions
  • Applicant must demonstrate evidence of productivity (e.g. papers, grant funding, presentations, scientific/community impact)

Application Requirements

  • General demographic information
  • Short answer questions, no more than 300 words each. Please discuss each of the following:
    • What drives your commitment to an academic career?
    • How do you contribute to diversity on campus?
    • How would participating in this program prepare you for a faculty career?
  • Current NIH Biosketch
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Mentor letter of support

Mentor Letter of Support Needs to Include:

  • Description of additional training the mentee will have/needs
  • Well-developed mentoring plan
  • Proposed mentoring committee
    • Committee should be diverse and include up to five members
    • Committee should include at least one senior faculty member
    • Committee should have someone who will serve as the professional development sponsor – this person will help to navigate the transition to faculty and meet with the trainee individually in addition to the committee meetings
  • Current NIH Biosketch

Invited Presentation:

  • Select applicants will be invited to present their current research and future directions (demonstrating a strong research plan and potential for success)
  • 30 min presentation followed by 5-10 min for questions
Contact Us!
Please email [email protected] with any questions or for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the Bridge to Faculty program by reviewing the FAQs below.

Program FAQS

Current senior Postdocs, Research Associates, Scientists, Instructor at CHOP (if in a non-postdoc role, must be within 3 years of transitioning from Postdoc) OR be appointed to one of these positions by July 1, 2022. Targeted toward PhD or MD/PhD-trained scientists looking to transition to tenure track faculty positions.

No, you do not need to be a US citizen or permanent resident to apply for the program.

This is a one to three-year individualized training program, with the length determined by the stage of training the participant is in at the time of application.

In addition to your ongoing research, the program requires no more than 1-2 hours per week of time dedicated to professional development and preparation of application/interview materials. This time commitment can vary as you are in the active phase of applying for positions.

The program will provide the infrastructure, preparation, and mentorship to support successful transitions into faculty positions, but it is not a requirement.

The program goals include:

  1. Positioning program participants to be competitive for tenure track positions
  2. Supporting them during the application and interview process
  3. Preparing them for the rigorous expectations of a tenure track faculty position driving advancement and promotion.

Program components include:

  1. Research training
  2. Professional development
  3. Supplemental educational training.

Application FAQs

Applications typically open in the fall with decisions made on candidates in late winter. Successful candidates will start on July 1st of each fiscal year.

Select applicants will be invited to present their research and future directions. Applicants must demonstrate a strong research plan that has potential for success. The presentation will be 30 minutes followed by 5-10 minutes for questions.

While there are no direct questions related to your research in the application, you will need to demonstrate a strong research plan if invited to present for the selection committee.

Your mentor letter of support should be a CHOP mentor. Recommendation letters can come from outside of CHOP.

Please visit Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions and Samples for directions and examples of NIH biosketchs in order to format your document.


Meet Our Scholars

Cornerstone Blog
The unique training experience designed to prepare exceptional senior-level trainees to be competitive on the tenure-track job market.
Cornerstone Blog
Kemar Prussien, PhD, participates in a program that prepares diverse postdocs and early-stage scientists to become tenure track faculty.