Research Vector Core Services
Below is a listing of our services and techniques.
With access to a wide range of host organisms, long-term expression in vivo, and low immunogenicity, recombinant Adeno-Associated viral vectors (rAAV) offer a robust and proven method of gene delivery. rAAV is a single-stranded DNA parvovirus that infects both dividing and non-dividing cells with varying tissue tropisms and transduction efficiencies. It is prevalent in both the pre-clinical and clinical settings, carrying a transgene at maximum cassette limits of 4.7kb for single-stranded and 2.2kb for double-stranded (self-complementary) vectors.
The Research Vector Core manufactures rAAV at various scales with a production capacity of 5 x 1012 - 1 x 1015 viral genomes per week and a titer up to 1-5 x 1013vg/ml. Our facility utilizes a fine-tuned downstream process recognized internationally among industrial and academia and optimized for enhanced transduction efficiency via CsCl gradient centrifugation purification.
Our facility manufactures customized rAAV containing AAV2 ITR element serotyped with either AAV1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, DJ, RH10, Anc80, PHP.eB, and other engineered capsids per the sponsor's requirements.
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Recombinant lentiviral vectors (rLV) constitute a powerful gene delivery system capable of reliably transducing both dividing and non-dividing cells. rLV integration into the host genome produces a long-term, stable expression of a gene of interest of up to 9.5kb. It can be pseudotyped with a wide variety of viral envelope glycoproteins to broaden the desired tropism.
Our facility produces the third-generation self-inactivating (SIN) lentiviral vectors minimizing the risk of replication-competent virus and offers both small scale pilot preps and highly purified vectors concentrated for your specific research and pre-clinical requirements.
DNA Vector Cloning
Plasmid Amplification and Characterization
Viral Vector Quality Control Tests
- Genomic Titer Determination by qPCR or ddPCR (transgene specific)
- Particle Titer Determination
- Particle Purity Determination
- Mycoplasma Test
- Bioburden Assay
- Endotoxin Test
- Transduction Titer (rLV)
- P24 Titer by ELISA (rLV)