Research Family Partners



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Research Family Partners assists study teams by providing feedback in all stages of research including dissemination of research results to the community.

More than 200 parents and community members are currently onboarded as partners. We facilitate more than 25 active partner groups, some meeting as frequently as every month and others every six months.

Our parents and community members represent our diverse local community in many ways, including but not limited to ethnicity, socioeconomic status, child age and disease/health status, country of origin, language spoken, interaction with CHOP, education, geography (although most are from Philadelphia and surrounding areas), health literacy, and experience with research. About half of these families are actively serving in a group.

Research Family Partners can help create custom groups for study teams by engaging families who are already onboarded and also finding new families to meet researcher-defined group inclusion criteria.

Learn More

Meet with a CHOP Research Institute Family Advisory Council

Our diverse Research Family Advisory Council meets on the second Monday of each month from 5 – 7 p.m. Principal investigators can request a 45-minute time slot to receive feedback on their research plans from members of the community.

Contact us to set up your meeting

Refer a Family

Do you have a patient and patient family who you feel would provide valuable feedback to the research process? Refer them to be a Research Family Partner.

Contact the Research Family Partners team.

What is Clinical Research?

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute is dedicated to solving the most challenging problems in children’s health, and we couldn't do it without the partnership of research participants. Clinical research volunteers help scientists learn more about the human body, medications and medical devices, safety, behavior, and even the health system. At CHOP, we’re grateful for our clinical research volunteers who partner with us to help advance the next breakthroughs in medicine. Learn more about what participating entails and how to volunteer for a research study at CHOP.