RCR Grant Resources



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The Office of Research Compliance provides resources for researchers who need to include RCR training and program information in their grant applications and progress reports. Helpful resources are available below.

The RCR program requirements are outlined in the RCR Training Policy and Plan.

The policy applies to postdoctoral fellows, physician fellows involved in research activities, NIH-training and individual fellowship grant awardees (T or F), NSF-funded fellows, NIH early career investigators (mentored K awardees, K12 scholars, and senior fellows and career award recipients) and research faculty. Faculty ensure that both formal and informal RCR training is completed, contribute to the design of RCR sessions, and participate as course facilitators, discussion leaders, and speakers.

All RCR Training Plans must include five instructional components: format, subject matter, faculty participation, duration of instruction, and frequency of instruction. The plan must discuss both formal and informal RCR instruction, monitoring, and tracking. These components are described in the updated NIH NOT-OD-22-055 and the NIH NOT-OD-10-019 and are included in the template.

This template language is not meant to replace individually tailored RCR Training Plans.

Use the items listed below to tailor the template language for your career stage, application type, or specific funding opportunity announcement.

  • Include both formal and informal RCR training you have completed
  • Indicate your plans for completing formal RCR courses and informal RCR instruction
  • Senior fellows, career award recipients and research faculty may fulfill their RCR requirement by participating as RCR course instructors or discussion leaders. For more information, refer to RCR Faculty Instructor Information.
  • CHOP Faculty are strongly encouraged to participate as instructors, presenters, and discussion leaders in both informal and formal RCR programs. Faculty who participate as instructors should be included in the RCR Training Plan. View faculty participation on the RCR Session Agendas or request from [email protected].

View the RCR Training Plan Template Language.

The RCR Session Agendas document the format, topics covered and faculty participation. Agendas are posted after each session has been completed and are compiled by fiscal year.

  • RCR Session 1 - 4-hour session covers the topics of Responsible Authorship and Publication Practices, Collaborative Science, Peer Review, Mentoring and Current Topics
  • RCR Session 2 - 4-hour session covers the topics of The Researcher in Society, Data Management – Acquisition, Sharing and Ownership, Research Misconduct, Conflicts of Interest, Intellectual Property and Research Safety