Program in Advanced Imaging Research Team
In fostering the highest level of support and cooperation, we aim to continue attracting, mentoring, and sustaining talented experts with the goal of productive research leading to improved patient outcomes. Our pediatric-dedicated imaging scientists are available to assess research needs and solutions.

Timothy Roberts, PhD
Vice Chair of Research, Department of Radiology
Dr. Roberts investigates brain-wave scanning with magnetoencephalography (MEG) and works to identify biomarkers for neuropsychiatric disorders like autism. Those biomarkers are for diagnosis, prognosis, stratification, and response monitoring as well as substrate identification for targeted therapy. Putting the "bio" into biomarkers is a major emphasis of Dr. Roberts' research, for which he also uses advanced diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and edited spectroscopy.

Jeffrey I. Berman, PhD

Lisa Blaskey, PhD

Luke Bloy, PhD

Yuhan Chen, PhD

J. Christopher Edgar, PhD

William C. Gaetz, PhD

Heather L. Green, PhD, CCC-SLP

Hao Huang, PhD

Mina Kim, PhD, NCSP

Emily S. Kuschner, PhD

Minhui Ouyang, PhD

Muhammad Saleh, PhD

Suraj Serai, MS, PhD