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Claire Moulder, MA, EdS, is a certified school psychologist, clinical research coordinator III, and psychometrician at the Center for Autism Research.
Claire Moulder, MA, EdS, is a certified school psychologist, clinical research coordinator III, and psychometrician at the Center for Autism Research (CAR). Her responsibilities include overseeing clinical research assistants on day-to-day tasks of recruitment, eligibility, and coordination of clinical visits to ensure proper implementation of study goals. Moulder also conducts developmental and cognitive standardized measures as well as semi-structured and behavioral assessments with research participants with high proficiency across a wide range of ages and developmental functioning.
Moulder started with CAR in March 2021 working as a psychometrician on the Social Coordination study. She received her bachelor’s dgree in Psychology and Art History in 2016 from Juniata College. In 2020, she completed her master's and education specialist degrees in the School Psychology at University of Massachusetts Amherst, during which time she completed a full-year internship as a school psychologist in the Philadelphia School District. Moulder loves to work with children and families and is excited to be a part of CAR’s innovative research to help families both now and in the future.