Penn Microbial Culture and Metabolomics Core Resources



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The microbial culture portion of the core features two anaerobic chambers (Type B, Coy Labs, Grass Lake, MI), a micro-aerobic chamber (Coy Labs, Grass Lake, MI), a custom-built anaerobic degassing station, two Epoch2 plate readers for automated growth curves, and various glassware in the range of 50 – 1000 ml. In addition, the core features a single larger (250-1000 mL) automated bioreactor (BioFlo 320, Eppendorf, Hauppauge, NY) and a smaller (10-15 mL) mini bioreactor array (MBRA) for up to 48 continuous flow experiments in parallel.

Metabolomics Rates for Calendar Year 2022

Prices are per sample

Analysis Academic Industry
Amino acids $50 $75
Bile acids $50 $75
SCFA $50 $75
Any two classes $100 $150
Any three classes $100 $225