IDDRC Preclinical Models Core
The Preclinical Models Core (PMC) was developed in response to a user survey that emphasized a need for an intellectual and developmental disabilities-focused facility for the study of mammalian behavior and one to address the potential of current stem cell technologies, including genome editing using CRISPR-Cas9.
The Rodent Behavioral Testing Service is provided by the Neurobehavior Testing Core at the University of Pennsylvania. Approved Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center users receive about a 15 percent discount for these services.
- Customized behavior battery design
- Consultation in experimental design and interpretation of results
- Tests of learning and memory, affective disorder-related behaviors, social and communication tasks, neurodegeneration and sensation
- Protocol and transfer assistance (IACUC, ULAR, and LAR)
- Training in all procedures
- Drug delivery
- Tissue preparation
- Video image analysis
- Data analysis
The Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Service provides free consultation to approved Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center users.
- Generate and characterize induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
- Make them available to the research community
- Differentiate PSCs
- Mesodermal, endodermal, ectodermal lineages
- Genetically manipulate PSCs
- Transgene expression: Zinc finger nucleases
- Gene editing PSCs
- Gene loci: CRISPR/Cas9
- Distribute NIH-approved human ESC lines
- Distribute quality tested specialty reagents
- Enrichment training
Zhaolan (Joe) Zhou, PhD