IDDRC Neuroimaging and Neurocircuitry Core



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The Neuroimaging and Neurocircuitry Core (NNC) offers resources in imaging and electrophysiology varying in scale from single cell through slice. It serves to illustrate the role of imaging and electrophysiology as the common language of translational research, working with animal models and humans. Additionally, the Core provides extensive software support for image processing of all modalities, as well as invaluable expertise with a team of expert Co-directors, each authorities in their respective modalities and their translational integration.

  • Small animal imaging includes a 7T Bruker MRI with recently updated hardware
  • Human electrophysiology includes a new EGI high-density (128-channel) EEG facility, as well as two CTF 275-channel MEG systems, a unique Tristan Technologies infant MEG (Artemis 123), and a dedicated research 3T Siemens Prisma MRI, equipped with connectome-quality gradient coils (80mT/m)
  • Multiphoton, confocal, and epifluorescence microscopic imaging studies of the dynamics of neuronal circuit function (Directors: Coulter and Takano)
  • Patch clamp recording studies in neurons in situ or in vitro stem cells and tissue culture (Directors: Drs. Coulter and Takano)
  • Technical advice and equipment capability allowing implementation of both optogenetic and chemogenetic reagents in the experimental design of users (Directors: Drs. Coulter and Takano)
  • Electroencephalographic (EEG) and other in vivo recordings. Consultation about experimental design or analyses of EEG or evoke potentials performed in human subjects with IDD or typically developing controls. Consultation and experimental assistance for in vivo electrophysiological recordings from preclinical animal models of IDD. (Director: Dr. Marsh)