IDDRC Administrative Core Resources



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Investigators with projects relevant to intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are invited to join the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center. IDDRC investigators use the Center’s Core facilities on a priority basis and at reduced rates. Members network with other investigators on a number of educational activities throughout the year, including our IDDRC Seminar Series. View a list of current IDDRC Approved Users.

To apply for membership, please contact Stephanie Tuman.

The Center offers a range of support for investigators studying topics of relevance to IDD:

  • Developmental and neurobiological studies to define the molecular and cellular bases of IDD and to facilitate development of specific hypotheses about basic abnormalities that underlie these conditions.
  • Studies of cellular and molecular aspects of brain development: differentiation, synapse formation and modification, plasticity, trophic factors, and neurotransmitter function and modulation.
  • Applied clinical and experimental studies of inborn errors of metabolism relevant to IDD that involve pathophysiology of cellular and subcellular organelles.
  • Examples of topics include, but are not limited to:
    • Developmental and neurobiological studies to define the molecular and cellular bases of IDD and to facilitate development of specific hypotheses about basic abnormalities that underlie these conditions.
    • Studies of cellular and molecular aspects of brain development: differentiation, synapse formation and modification, plasticity, trophic factors, and neurotransmitter function and modulation.

To become a member of our Center, investigators (faculty of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania) must have at least one NIH-funded research project in areas related to intellectual disabilities. The Center leadership determines if the project meets the IDDRC criteria and warrants the use of one or more core facilities. If the project is approved, the Center submits a recommendation to the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Branch of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). Investigators who do not meet our eligibility requirements may still use our Core facilities as a non-member (at higher rates). For additional information, please access the Core sites.

To support our ongoing funding, IDDRC members are expected to cite our Center ("Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center" - NIH/NICHD P50 HD105354) in all publications that result from work supported by one or more of our Core facilities. Users are also required to comply with the NIH Public Access Policy. To associate a manuscript with an IDDRC Core in NIHMS, please use grant number P50 HD105354 and search for Robert T. Schultz (MPI- Contact PI).