George Laboratory



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Multiple projects are available for a rotation student, a graduate student, or a postdoctoral fellow, and we would welcome new members.

Dr. George's clinical and research interests are in the development of novel therapeutics for hemophilia. Researchers in the George Lab study the molecular basis of coagulation with specific emphasis on coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) and the intrinsic tenase enzyme complex. Investigations encompass basic biochemical studies of FVIII and translational work as it relates to exploiting this knowledge to develop therapeutics for hemophilia A. Dr. George is also the clinical principal investigator of ongoing early phase hemophilia A and B gene therapy trials and long-term follow up of hemophilia gene therapy patients.

Lab Life Video Series: George Lab

A talented and diverse team of researchers in the George Lab work on developing novel therapeutics to treat hemophilia, including gene-based therapies. Step behind the scenes of their research in this installment of our Lab Life video series.

Lindsey A. George

Lindsey A. George, MD

Tenure Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Dr. George's basic and clinical research studies include defining the molecular basis of coagulation and developing gene-based therapies for hemophilia.