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Emerging Innovators in Collaborative Research - April 18, 2022



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Apr 18, 2022 ‐ 11:00 am
End Date/Time-NEW

Join us as we recognize emerging leaders in collaborative research and participate in a forum to learn about their science. The Emerging Innovators in Collaborative Research program, organized by the Office of Academic Training and Outreach Programs (ATOP), recognizes exceptional non-faculty researchers-in-training and research staff who have contributed significantly to a collaborative project, producing high impact research at Children's Hospital. All speakers for the series have been nominated by their Department Chair, Division Chief or Faculty Mentor and represent a variety of scientific disciplines and research areas.

Program Goals

  • Provide a forum for outstanding non-faculty researchers to present and discuss their science
  • Celebrate the successes of future leaders in pediatric research
  • Build community and collaboration among colleagues and the broader CHOP community

For more information about the program contact Olivia Chesniak, PhD, Academic Programs Officer at [email protected].


Tatiana Karakasheva, PhD
Research Associate
Pediatrics – Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition

Biopsy-derived 3D organoids for investigation of gastrointestinal pathology, development, and therapy

Amaliris Guerra, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Pediatrics – Hematology

Monoferric forms of transferrin serve as distinct signaling molecules in the modulation of erythropoietin sensitivity and ineffective erythropoiesis.

Aditi Vasan, MD
Pediatrics – General Pediatrics
Association of Electronic Benefits Transfer with increased WIC participation


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